ATA invites all tapestry artists to submit works to Small Tapestry International 5: Crossroads. Artists are encouraged to explore the conceptual, technical and metaphorical implications of the theme as they design their submissions. We invite entries not only from artists who work within more traditional definitions of tapestry, but also those artists whose work expands upon the core principles of the medium as it explores new techniques and processes.
Entry to STI 5: Crossroads is open to all artists who design and weave their own tapestries either individually or collaboratively (all assistants shall be named). For the purposes of this exhibition, tapestry is defined as hand woven, weft faced fabric using discontinuous wefts. Artists who work in both traditional and more experimental methods are encouraged to enter. Multimedia work will be considered as long as the primary medium is tapestry. Entries must be one-of-a-kind and have been completed after January 2015. Entries may not have been shown previously in any ATA exhibition, including the Unjuried Small Format show. Artists may submit up to three pieces, but a maximum of one piece per artist will be accepted. The size of the tapestry may not exceed a total of 100 square inches (625 square cm) and cannot exceed 20 inches (50 cm) in any one dimension.
Deadline: October 31, 2016.
Questions? Email Deborah Corsini, Exhibition Chair, ata@deborahcorsini.com
University of North Texas
UNT on the Square
Denton, Texas
Handforth Gallery, Tacoma Public Library
Tacoma, WA
Rudi Dundas. Rudi Dundas (Ruth Scheuer) is a fine art photographer focused on social change and environmental issues. She has photographed in Africa, South America, Asia, Europe and at home in California. Rudi’s social documentary images highlight issues of global concern and provide client solutions for a better world. In the 1980s she was the founder and director of the Scheuer Tapestry Studio in New York (later Center for Tapestry Arts, then InterArt Center), which created over 80 tapestries during its 10 year existence.