Textile exhibition in the frame of the 19th ETN conference in Haslach / Austria, 17 July to 4 August 2019, Schloss Neuhaus/ Austria
Because of the importance of this textile art exhibition in the new home of the European Textile Network at the Textile Kultur Haslach Center, we will publish below the complete application conditions. Photos to this article are showing exhibitions and events planned for the ETN Conference in Haslach. Participation in the exhibition as well as visiting the ETN conference is highly recommended! See you in Haslach! Beatrijs Sterk
Garden of Eden ...
A Garden of Eden is a place of longing – a place where people live in harmony with nature, cautiously using existing resources and living peacefully. It is a utopia, a garden full of lush plants, sweet fruits and exotic animals that provide food in abundance. Such a paradise nourishes our elemental desire for harmonious coexistence in the community while at the same time embodying the principle of exclusion. The notion contains a longing for something that is ever valid as well as the experience of transience and fragility of life.
The idea of the garden in Eden is thousands of years old and finds expression in various forms of human culture in ever new variants. Even textiles were and are still important carriers of this complex topic. As an inspiration, the motto of the Garden of Eden offers material for an exhibition of a special kind:
An international group exhibition on the theme, featuring works by contemporary textile artists, combined with selected historical and ethnographic textiles from various collections, also revolving around the Garden of Eden, will be curated for the 19th ETN (European Textile Network) conference.
The ETN conference will take place in Haslach / Austria from 28th and 31st July 2019 and will take up various cultural-historical, material-specific and social aspects of the theme of the Garden of Eden. Part of the conference program is also the joint visit of the group exhibition, which will take place in a very special place …

A place that breathes …
For a textile exhibition on this topic, we have found the ideal location: high above the Danube is an impressive structure – Neuhaus castle. The narrow, four-storey tract, which dates from the Gothic period, fascinates with atmospheric rooms, interesting structures that testify to the passing of the centuries and not least because of its unique location high above the meandering Danube and the foothills of the Mühlviertel – a place which charms and lets time stand still.
The wonderful rooms provide the ideal setting and the perfect atmosphere to showcase textile art – gently in tune with the living masonry and the particularly strong external environment A little Garden of Eden …
Neuhaus castle is situated about 20 km from Haslach and 30 km from Linz. It can be reached by train and then by shuttle bus for the duration of the exhibition. To visit the exhibition site, you drive through a charming landscape, the so-called Mühlviertel. This region in the north of Austria is known for its linen tradition and is in tune with the theme of the exhibition with its gentle green hills, clear rivers and quiet places.

Exhibition contributions and selection procedure
In the group exhibition, artistic or design-oriented works are shown that have a clear reference to the medium of textiles. There are no restrictions on the choice of materials and techniques. The date of creation of the work does not have to be recent at all. However, works from the last 3 years will be treated preferentially in case of doubt. Individuals as well as artist collectives may apply.
A maximum of two independent works may be submitted per person or artist collective.
A separate application form has to be completed for each work.
Two or three-dimensional works can be submitted for the exhibition. Two-dimensional pieces may not exceed a size of 3 x 3 m, the maximum size for three-dimensional pieces being 2.5 x 2.5 x 3 m. An expert jury will select the exhibits from the works submitted. The members of the jury will be disclosed at the beginning of the exhibition at the latest. The jury meets in secret and has no obligation to explain the reasons for their decision. The verdict of the jury cannot be challenged.
In addition to the contemporary works, the exhibition will also present some historical or ethnographic textiles selected from collections by the curators. These textiles will blend in with the contemporary works in the exhibition.
The curators also reserve the right, in addition to the works selected by the jurors, to invite some artists directly.
Application documents and modalities
For the application we ask you to send us the following documents in due time:
- An application form completely and correctly filled in, printed out and signed
- 3 – 5 analog photographs or printouts of the work in a minimum size of 9 x 15 cm; at least one photograph must show the work in its entirety, at least one photograph must show a detail that reveals the technique of the object.
- If desired, a sketch for the setting-up of the work or instructions for hanging or presentation.
- If desired,a more detailed CV or further information about the artist
- If desired, further detailed descriptions or concepts of the work
Applications are accepted in analog form only! The application form may only be filled in in English or German. The documents must be sent to the organizer by post or parcel service no later than 15 February 2019 (shipping date) with the password „Garden of Eden“:
Verein Textile Kultur Haslach, „Garden of Eden“
Stahlmühle 4
A- 4170 Haslach
If the work is selected, the organiser will contact the artist and ask to submit text and photo material in digital form. By submitting an application, the artist undertakes to make the work available to the organiser in the event of a selection by the jury in the specified period and to accept unconditionally the presentation of the work in the premises described.
Dates and deadlines
- Deadline: 15 February 2019. Date as per postmark.
- Jury’s decision: Applicants will be informed of an admittance or cancellation by March 30, 2019 at the latest
- If a work is selected, the artist/s will be requested to submit their photographic and text material in digital form to the organizer by 15 April at the latest.
- The selected works must be sent to the organiser at the artist/s own expense and arrive by 1 June at the latest.
- Duration of the exhibition: 17 July to 4 August 2019
- Instead of a vernissage, there will be a midisage on Tuesday, July 30th at the ETN conference, where the artists present will be introduced.
- The works will be sent back to the artists by the organizer by 30September 2019 at the latest.
If the specified deadlines are not met by the artist, the organiser reserves the right to exclude the work from the exhibition. In this case, it is the responsibility of the artist to get the work back at his own expense from 30th September or to arrange for the return transport.
Costs and transport
No registration or processing fees will be charged for the submission of an application. The application documents remain permanently with the organiser in the case of a selection as well as in the case of a rejection and will not be returned to the artist. The documents will not be disclosed to third parties and the data protection policy will be observed.
The transport costs from the artist to the venue are borne by the artist. The costs for the insured return transport will be borne by the organiser. The work will be sent by regular parcel service. If the artist insists on another form of transport (for example, art forwarding), the costs must be borne by him/herself.
The work must be packed in such a way that the material can also be reused for the return transport. All costs incurred by the artist when making, packaging, photographing, etc. of the work cannot be compensated by the organiser, nor travel or accommodation costs, which are incurred when visiting the exhibition.
A catalogue is planned of the exhibition, which will be issued only after the end of the exhibition. It will contain photographs showing the works presented in the respective exhibition spaces and in context to each other. The texts submitted in the application will form the basis for the descriptions of the individual works in the catalogue. The organisers reserve the right to proofread the texts and, if necessary, to adapt them slightly without consulting the artists.
Whether the catalogue can actually be published or only appears online will be decided later. In case of a publication, all participants in the exhibition will receive two free copies after completion of the catalogue.
Spatial conditions, insurance and presentation
The works will be insured for the entire period of the installation, presentation and dismantling of the exhibition for the value stated in the application form.
The exhibition venue in the old castle is safe, the entire area of the castle is locked and the entrance is video-monitored. Although the location does not meet classic exhibition conditions, the historic rooms of the castle have a lot of charm and atmosphere. The brickwork is organic, slightly brittle and only some of the windows are closed. The 3 levels of the building are not barrier-free.
By submitting the application, consent is expressly given that the work may be shown under these conditions and confidence expressed in the organiser that the work will be treated with the utmost care and presented responsibly.
Textile Kultur Haslach, Stahlmühle 4, A- 4170 Haslach www.textile-kultur-haslach.at I www.textiles-zentrum-haslach.at
in collaboration with: ETN – European Textile network: www.etn-net.org
Curators: Christina Leitner & Andreas Selzer, Textiles Zentrum Haslach and
members of the ETN board