American Tapestry Alliance (ATA) invites all tapestry artists to submit works to Small Tapestry International 7: Elements. Artists are encouraged to explore the conceptual, technical and metaphorical implications of the theme as they design their submissions. Invited are entries not only from artists who work within more traditional definitions of tapestry, but also those artists whose work expands upon the core principles of the medium as it explores new techniques and processes.
ATA is partnering with the American Association of Woodturners Gallery of Wood Art . This year’s exhibition will focus on the theme of elements. The show will take place from March 14-June 13, 2021 and will be held at the Gallery of Wood Art in St. Paul Minnesota. ATA offers awards to two selected artists. The juror for the show bestows the awards on tapestries that (s)he considers to be of exceptional aesthetic and technical quality. The First Place Award is a $300.00 cash prize and Second Place is a $200.00 cash prize.
PLEASE NOTE: Call for entry opens July 1 and closes August 15, 2020.
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